Sativa UK
Sativa – often described as having a creative, invigorating and euphoric high. Generally called the mind or head high that brings the imagination within the brain. The uplifting, Sativa high is more cerebral than the Indica high, which is felt in the entire body. Also a perfect stimulant for “wake and bake” as it provides a very energetic high with more hallucinogenic effects compared to its counterpart (Indica) that induces a very relaxing feeling.

Generally compared to caffeine as it increases alertness and gives a sudden burst of energy making it better suited for daytime use. Sativa weed has a heavy amount of THC compared to Indicas; generally having a higher CBD content. These marijuana strains help with focus and thus found to enhance lighting and sounds, making visible surroundings more vibrant. Thus, recommended for early morning consumption or afternoon consumption.