Vessel Vista Vape Pen By Vessel



Vessel Vista Vape Pen By Vessel

The Vista is one of the most luxurious oil pens you can get. It features protective drop-in design that accommodates a wide range of oil cartridges. It runs on a 320 mAh battery and has three voltage settings, from 2.8-3.2 volts.Vessel Vista Vape Pen By Vessel

In addition, the all-new Vista Series Vape Pen Battery. Sleek, elegant and even more powerful than its predecessor. Vista debuts with a number of design elements that you’ve come to expect from Vessel.

Features:-A protected, cartridge drop-in design-Fits most 510 thread cartridges (included cartridge is non-functional and for merchandising purposes only)-Powered by a high-quality 320mAh lithium-ion rechargeable battery core-3-LEDs indicate battery life and power settings-Three (3) power/voltage settings (Low 2.8V, Medium 3.2V, High 3.6V)-USB magnetic charging port + cable-Compatible with Base Charger and Rover Cases-Dimensions: 4.7″L x 0.56″D-Weight: 30g

What’s in the Box:

Vessel – Vista 320mAh Vape Battery
USB Magnetic Charging Cable
One Year Limited Warranty

Additional information


1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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