Platinum Champagne Weed Strain




Platinum Champagne Weed Strain

This weed strain is a pure sativa strain with low levels of THC. The CBD level of this strain is low. In addition, this weed strain is abbreviated as Pgn. This cannabis strain will grow into a beautiful cannabis plant with a fine return in harvest. Buy Platinum Champagne Weed Strain

Medical Benefits: It isn’t known to contain large amounts of CBD, however, and that fact recommends against using this strain to medicate conditions that require CBD extracts, such as Severe Seizure Disorders, Anxiety, Migraines and Nausea.

The sativa head high is clear headed and energetic, with a boost of creativity and a happy dose of euphoria. It’s hard to say how much THC can be found in this strain, as few tests are publicly available, but it is rumored to be quite powerful








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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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