Pine Tar Kush Marijuana Strain


THC: 19%, CBD: 1%


Pine Tar Kush Marijuana Strain

True legends never die, and Pine Tar Kush is a direct descendant from Pakistani landrace plants. You better believe that any time you smoke it you’re in for a real treat. This pure indica strain will have you feeling amazing each and every night. Clocking in at a fairly moderate potency average of 20%, this strain is ideal for users of all experience levels. Buy Pine Tar Kush Marijuana Strain

Medical Benefits: Its powerful 18-22% average THC level make Pine Tar Kush perfect for treating conditions such as mild to moderate cases of Depression, Insomnia, Muscle Spasms, Cramps, or Lack of Appetite.

As you’d imagine, a pure indica strain will bring some dazzling effects during her high. Initially, a feeling of elation will overtake you along with a bit of mental focus. It can help when completing some last minute tasks for the day.

Before long, however, a buzzing in the back of the head will slowly work its way down your neck and into every one of your limbs, bringing you to a place of total relaxation with just a bit of the giggles. Sleep will come soon, but before laying down for the night, make sure to grab a handful of snacks and satiate those cravings.








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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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