Northern Lights Cannabis Strain UK


THC: 16% – 21%


Northern Lights Cannabis Strain UK

Few strains come with as much widespread renown as Northern Lights. Inarguably one of the most popular strains of all time. An crossbreed descendant of original Afghani landrace strains, this strain is a pure indica. THC levels can reach 16-21%, making this one of the most potent strains available on any market. Buy Northern Lights Cannabis Strain UK

Medical Benefits: However, this hemp flower is a highly useful medical strain, effective at treating a Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Headaches, Insomnia, Loss of Appetite, Migraines, PTSD, Stress.

Cottonmouth is common, as are red eyes, while other negative effects are much more limited. This strain has a sweet, earthy flavor with hints of citrus. Northern Lights, formerly known as CI #5 F1, is an award winning Indica dominant strain. This strain is well received by growers, medical patients, recreational consumers. In addition, may be one of the most popular Indica strains of all time









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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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