Maple Leaf Indica Marijuana Strain



Maple Leaf Indica Marijuana Strain

This cannabis strain is a grade A- strain that produced by crossing Skunk #1 with BlueBlack. This Indica dominant strain has a high potency due its extremely high THC levels. It has a flowering period of six to seven weeks and gives a moderate yield. This potent strain has a very powerful effect on your system that instantly affects you. Maple Leaf Indica Marijuana Strain

Medical Benefits: This strain is best used for treating different kinds of Depression, Stress and Anxiety. It relieves the symptoms of these problems and makes you feel calm and peaceful. It is also employed for treating Nausea, different types of Mild and Chronic Pain as well as Insomnia.

Its side-effects include experiencing dry mouth, headaches and dry eyes

This strain has a very powerful body high that can knock out inexperienced users. Often describe as narcotic and calming, this weed strain also provides cerebral stimulation. Its relaxing effects extend to the mind, making it suitable for meditation. Most users experience a surge of creativity before an overwhelming laziness and fatigue set in.





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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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