Magna Rosa Cannabis Strain



Magna Rosa Cannabis Strain

Also known as “Manga Rosa,” is a 100% pure sativa strain that is native to the Brazilian regions. Famous for its long-lasting and heady high. Perfect bud for when you need a quick kick of energy to get you up and moving. Magna Rosa Cannabis Strain

Medical Benefits: Thanks to these effects and its high 15-21% average THC level, Magna Rosa is often said to be perfect for treating those suffering from conditions such as Headaches or Migraines, Glaucoma or Eye Pressure, Chronic Fatigue, Depression and Chronic Stress.

You’ll feel an instant influx of cerebral energy. Getting you moving and focus on anything and everything on your to-do list. This is accompanied by a sense of pure euphoria that lasts for hours and hours on end without relief






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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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