Kush Berry Marijuana Strain UK


THC: 22%


Kush Berry Marijuana Strain UK

After breeding Blueberry with OG Kush, this weed strain was born This indica-dominant bud offers great effects. While it’s best for recreational use, most individuals turn to this strain for medicinal purposes. Kush Berry Marijuana Strain UK

Medical Benefits: On the other hand it is equally beneficial for patients that have issues with Stress, Pain and Insomnia. It is also primarily prescribed to patients who are suffering from Migraines and Anxiety. Moreover, it is also recommended to patients who are undergoing Chemotherapy.

There is no doubt that it will catch your eye almost immediately. The taste is out of this world, very floral and aromatic thus making it an enjoyable strain.

The strain offers something for everyone. It is a strain that needs to be try by almost any individual looking for an effective medicating strain. This strain in particular will not only make you feel great. However, you will feel better than you could have ever felt before







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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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