King Tut Cannabis Strain



King Tut Cannabis Strain

It’s so rare that it is uncertain what its parent strains were. But we suspect that AK-47 strains are in there. We know that it heavily favors Sativa (80/20) and was bred, with ironic appropriateness.

Medical Benefits: Use this strain to treat Depression, Chronic Pain, Stress, Inflammation, and Nausea.

This strain won’t put you in a sleeping mood. You’ll be ratcheted up, heady, full of zest. This cannabis strain will get your creative juices flowing or chat up your not-so-royal court of buddies for hours on end.

It grows in a compact formation that favors heavy, dense branches. It takes around 60 days to flower. At which point you’ll have a high yield of buds frosted with crystals






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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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