Diamond OG Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge UK


10 1g Cartridges each £30.00 for £300

15 1g Cartridges each £30.00 for £450

20 1g Cartridges each £30.00 for £600

30 1g Cartridges each £25.00 for £750

50 1g Cartridges each £25.00 for £1250


Diamond OG Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge UK

Diamond OG Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge Strain type: Indica
Oil Extraction Method: Sub-critical CO2

THC: (THC + THCa): 71.79%
CBD:(CBD + CBDa): 0.72%
CBN: 0.59%

Diamond OG Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge is a precious gem of a strain that patients love for its potent and long-lasting effects. A true indica, this strain induces full-body relaxation that nixes pain and muscle spasms before settling into an overall laziness.

It can leave you mentally euphoric in smaller doses, but it’s definitely not one for times when work or even wakefulness needs to happen. Diamond OG is the result of an unknown strain crossed with OG Kush and has the familiar OG aroma of citrus-pine supported by fuel undertones.


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