Critical Sensi Star Strain


THC: 15% – 18%


Critical Sensi Star Strain

This marijuana strain is a beautiful Indica strain. It is a cross between Critical Mass and Sensi Star. It has gain popularity fast for its heavy yields and medicinal value. The buds are dense, very sticky and have complex flavor. Buy Critical Sensi Star Strain

This weed can be enjoy by most users thanks to her moderate 15-20% THC count. Beginners should be mindful of the dose. This marijuana strain is good for day and evening time use as does not lead to severe couch lock.

Medical Benefits: The bud’s generally uplifted mood can help those with Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Arthritis, Inflammation, Cramps or Headaches.

The high from Critical Sensi Star can be a true creeper and may not reveal itself until 10 to 15 minutes after ingestion. Eventually, consumers may detect a weighty feeling in the core and limbs. Making extended physical activity and coordination somewhat difficult. On the plus side, smokers may also find themselves more relaxed. Free of muscular tension, and able to breathe more deeply and fully

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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