Cookie Dough Cannabis Strain



Cookie Dough Cannabis Strain

Cookie Dough Cannabis Strain is another popular medicinal marijuana strain that is an Indica dominant hybrid strain. It has a pleasant appearance. This strain looks like mushy crystals with a yellowish and orange color. It has a wonderful aroma that is a mixture of minty and sweet odors. You can also feel a hint of mint in its flavor.

Medical Benefits: It is great for suppressing ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain, Epilepsy, Insomnia, Loss of Appetite, PTSD, Stress.

It has an incredibly high THC level of 25 percent. It’s CBD and CBN content ranges from zero to ten percent. The main effects of Cookie Dough are analgesic. It also serves as a neuroprotector and is an appetite stimulant as well. Therefore, it is extremely beneficial for people who want to gain weight and increase their appetites.

Some cancer patients also rely on Cookie Dough for inhibiting the growth of their cancer. It is also effective at treating various types of chronic pains. It can also be employed for treating nausea and insomnia. Its side effects are mainly dryness in the eyes and mouth, and mild dizziness.

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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