Charlottes Web CBD Balm Stick UK


Best for: Superficial pain relief, relief from dermatitis, and an easing of chronic inflammation for users with sensitivities to sticky, oily textures, or vaporous perfumes


Charlottes Web CBD Balm Stick UK

Charlottes Web CBD Balm Stick UK is formulated with menthol, peppermint oil, turmeric oil and ginger oil. This balm is great for larger areas of the body, like thighs.

Weave wellness into your daily routine with Charlotte’s Web Balm Stick. Use upon waking, after a workout, or before bed. It’s designed to target specific areas of the body that need a little extra care.

Effects felt: Superficial pain relief, recovery support, skin smoothing and rejuvenating, preventative against daily strains and overworking muscle groups

Best for: Superficial pain relief, relief from dermatitis, and an easing of chronic inflammation for users with sensitivities to sticky, oily textures, or vaporous perfumes


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