Buy Grandaddy Purple VapeCartridges UK


Product Description
Marijuana Oil Cartridges (Grandaddy Purple)

Medical Conditions: Anxiety, Appetite, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Body Pain, Cachexia, Cancer, Cramps, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Insomnia, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, Nausea, Neck Pain, PTSD

Shaman’s Nectar Bliss Vapor Cartridges are made with CO2-extracted oils. CO2 extraction is not only safe, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly, it also perfectly activates the cannabinoids without over-processing them.

10 1g Cartridges

15 1g Cartridges

20 1g Cartridges

30 1g Cartridges

50 1g Cartridges


Buy Grandaddy Purple VapeCartridges UK

This Grand Daddy Purple Indica oil vapor cartridge is excellent for pain, anxiety, muscle spasms, insomnia, appetite and any other ailment you would treat with a Sativa strain. Each cartridge contains 400 mg THC, and contains 115 to 165 hits. Each 1 to 2 second hit contains 2 mg to 4 mg of THCdepending upon the length of the draw. Vaporizing is a healthy and discreet alternative to smoking.Buy Grandaddy Purple VapeCartridges

Grand Daddy Purple (GDP) is an indica-sensory dominant strain with hints of lavender, grape, and honey sweetness. Patients report enjoying GDP for calming relief while conveying gentle mental stimulation, excellent for relaxation without overt sedation.Buy Grandaddy Purple VapeCartridges

Product Description
Marijuana Oil Cartridges (Grandaddy Purple)

Medical Conditions: Anxiety, Appetite, Arthritis, Asthma, Back Pain, Body Pain, Cachexia, Cancer, Cramps, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Insomnia, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, Nausea, Neck Pain, PTSD

Shaman’s Nectar Bliss Vapor Cartridges are made with CO2-extracted oils. CO2 extraction is not only safe, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly, it also perfectly activates the cannabinoids without over-processing them.

A quality vape experience starts with healthy plants. Hearty clones are taken from young, carefully tended mother plants, genetically fingerprinted, and tested for viruses and pathogens. These cannabis plant-starts are grown in greenhouses and on small family farms throughout Northern California. When ready, they’re harvested and transported to Santa Rosa for processing. The plant materials are tested for pesticides, molds and bacteria. After passing inspection, the herb is dried, cured and processed in a pharmaceutical grade “clean” room. We use clean, high pressure carbon dioxide at low temperatures to extract the cannabis oil. We employ proprietary methods to preserve the terpenes, that give each strain its distinctive smell and flavor. We package our cannabis oil in our own specially made cartridges that are designed to ensure easy flow and a reliable draw. We add absolutely no additives.


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