Buy Aloha Marijuana Strain



Buy Aloha Marijuana Strain

This popular bud is famous for inducing an alert and thoughtful mindset, along with pervasive energy its fruity. Seemingly tropical flavor is just icing on the cake. Aloha’s THC content has been measure at between 15% and 18%. Buy Aloha Marijuana Strain

Medical Benefits: Because of its potent sativa effects, Aloha is an ideal strain for treating patients suffering from conditions such as; 

When properly cured, Aloha gives off strong citrus notes that are more sweet than tangy or sour. On closer inspection, this fruity aroma has a tropical edge, almost like grapefruit or pineapple.  Aloha burns with a very smooth and easily palatable smoke when it is combusted in a pipe or a joint. This smoke tastes mouth-puckeringly sweet and citrusy on the exhale.

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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