Blueberry Cough Marijuana Strain



Blueberry Cough Marijuana Strain

Though not as well famous as its parents, Blueberry and Strawberry Cough. This marijuana strain is nonetheless a pleasant choice for medical use. It isn’t nearly as powerful as either of those two strains. However, it has a THC levels hovering around 15% in available tests. Blueberry Cough Marijuana Strain

Medical Benefits: The same goes for medical uses; as an indica, it may be helpful with Depression, Mood Disorders, and Anxiety, Insomnia but otherwise not much is known.

The effects are probably sativa-heavy, but expect plenty of influence from the indica genes as well. That means a high that’s likely between both body and mind. Side effects aren’t widely publish, but dry eyes and cottonmouth are likely.

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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