Black Gas Live Resin Concentrate



Black Gas Live Resin Concentrate

This marijuana concentrate is of a cross breed of two heavy Indica strain Black and Gas. Users describe this cannabis concentrate’s high as having an almost immediate hazy onset of a soothing warming relaxing body high that spreads from the back of the head and spine throughout the rest of the body in slow numbing waves. Black Gas Live Resin Concentrate

In addition, this cannabis concentrate’s high also starts with an instant soothing narcotic effect felt in the head with a heavy sedative effect. Additionally, this effect leaves your mind pleasantly hazy with a sense of deep introspection and a lack of any mental pain or racing thoughts. Therefore, with this body high, it leaves you completely relaxed, pain-free, and utterly sedated.

Moreover, this cannabis concentrate carries a skunky smell with a flavor that comprises of fragrant notes because of the presence of grapes and sweet berries. It is a good choice for relaxing around the house with a movie or a book.

However, upon the come down, you’ll fall into a deep and peaceful pain-free sleep that will last for hours on end. Fantastic for patients suffering from conditions such as nausea, appetite loss, mild cases of depression, and insomnia even nightmare related bad night sleeps.



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