Afghani CBD Marijuana Strain UK


THC: 6% – 8%, CBD:7 %,


Afghani CBD Marijuana Strain UK

Afghani CBD Marijuana Strain UK is a 100% pure indica strain. Thisdank bud boasts a low average THC level. Ranging from 6-8% and a CBD level that ranges from 2-7% on average. Although it has up to 8% in some varieties.
Medical Benefits: Due to the potent effects and high CBD level of this strain, this marijuana strain is said to be ideal for treating patients suffering from conditions such as Chronic Pain, Depression, Gastrointestinal Disorder, Inflammation, Insomnia, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle Spasms, Nausea, PTSD, Tinnitus
Users describe the this weed strain’s high as having an almost immediate uplift, happy, and energetic head high. Providing a significant mental pain relief as well as blissful euphoria. This is accompany by a mellow, relaxing body buzz. Starting in the neck and slowly spreads throughout the body. You’ll feel at ease and pain-free without heavy sedative effects typical of an indica strain

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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