Voodoo Cannabis Strain UK


THC: 20% – 24%


Voodoo Cannabis Strain UK

This strain is a 100% pure sativa strain that is an insanely dank phenotype of Thai landrace. It boasts a mild THC level ranging from 8-12% on average. Buy Voodoo Cannabis Strain UK

Medical Benefits: Because of these potent sedative effects, Voodoo is considered to be an ideal strain for treating patients with conditions such as Depression, Fatigue, and Chronic Stress.

Users describe the high as an immediate onset of a full head rush behind the eyes. Accompany by an euphoric head high. In addition, accompanied by a warming tingling sensation in the face and behind the eyes that slowly creeps down the body. This creeping tingle leads to an intense feeling of sedative couch lock. With a full heavy feeling in the forehead and behind the eyes.


















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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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