Top 44 Cannabis Strain UK


THC: 20% – 24%


Top 44 Cannabis Strain UK

Famous for its ability to finish flowering in as little as 44 days if grown under ideal conditions. Tasting of mint and fruit, this Indica dominant strain warms the body and confuses the mind. Buy Top 44 Cannabis Strain UK

Medical Benefits: In addition, for medical uses, it relieves the following conditions; Stress, Nausea, Chronic Pain, Insomnia.

It sends the mind racing, which can be thought provoking but can just as easily leave a user scatterbrained. Some users may find themselves spending three hours or more zoned out while others can just feel overwhelmed by the sedative effects.

For some the cerebral effects may be too much, which may cause paranoia or anxiety. The rest will find that bodily effects to be very effective at relieving pain, treating insomnia and inducing an appetite. Some users may feel dizzy and light headed from the use of Top 44.
















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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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