Sugar Kush Marijuana Strain


THC: 20% – 24%


Sugar Kush Marijuana Strain

This marijuana strain is a pure indica strain. It is a cross-breed of three well-familiar strains, Kandy Kush, Hash Plant, and Northern Lights #1. They’ve given users a positive high that is both relaxing and stimulating. It has steadily become a fan favorite, and for many good reasons. Buy Sugar Kush Marijuana Strain

Benefits: Because of its positive, relaxing effects, this marijuana strain is commonly used to treat Anorexia, Anxiety, Arthritis, Depression, Eye Pressure, Fatigue, Headaches, Insomnia, Loss of Appetite, PMS, PTSD

Moderate THC levels that come in around 20% guarantee. This strain has a heady high that gets pull to the body by its 100% indica breeding. The effects of this bud begin in the head, as Sugar Kush takes you for a wild ride. You’ll first notice these changes behind the eyes and in the forehead. Making its way down to the shoulders and back until it finally washes over your whole body and you are completely at ease.












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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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