Pine OG Marijuana Strain




Pine OG Marijuana Strain

Data on THC levels is hard to come by, but it appears this strain can top 26%. Which would make it easily one of the most powerful strains in the world. Buy Pine OG Marijuana Strain Online UK

Medical Benefits: It can treat Anxiety, Low Mood, Irritability, Lack of Appetite, Mood Disorders, Muscle Spasms.

CBD, on the other hand, is less than 1%, so patients will definitely get more benefit from the THC than the CBD. The nugs this strain produces are super-dense and have a pungent aroma of pine forest. Pine OG tastes of pine and wood.

This strain and its sativa genes deliver a potent cerebral high that’s clear-headed, energetic, and creative, with a euphoric mood boost and a case of the social yaps. Patients might find this strain at select dispensaries, but it isn’t widely used in the United States.









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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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