Paris OG Cannabis Strain UK


THC: 19%, CBD: 1%


Paris OG Cannabis Strain UK

This weed strain is a relatively rare medical strain. It’s an indica-heavy strain, though the exact ratio of sativa to indica isn’t widely known. THC levels are said to be fierce, surpassing 19% in some tests. Howeevr, CBD levels are considerably lower, less than 1%. Buy Paris OG Cannabis Strain UK

Medical Benefits: In addition, this strain is a useful means of treating Depression, Glaucoma and Eye Pressure, Headaches, Muscle Spasms, and Nausea.

The full, heavy body high is calming and sleepy. Making it also good for insomnia, and it induces euphoria, happiness, and a tingly sensation.

Expect a woody diesel smell with hints of flowers and pine needles. Match with a flavor of flowers, citrus, and pine. The nugs are huge and sticky. Negatives aren’t commonly reported, but dry mouth and red eyes are usually the most likely.







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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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