Hawaiian Snow Weed Strain



Hawaiian Snow Weed Strain

This weed strain is a 100% pure sativa hybrid strain. It is a cross between the insanely popular Hawaiian Haze X Purple Haze X Neville’s Haze strains. This dank bud boasts a moderately high THC level. Ranging from 18-24% on average and a myriad of potent sativa effects. Order Hawaiian Snow Weed Strain

Medical Benefits: Due to these potent effects, this weed strain is said to be an ideal strain for treating patients suffering from conditions such as Chronic Stress, Anxiety, Mild to Moderate cases of Depression, and Chronic Fatigue.

Users describe the high as one that offers an incredibly cloudy head high. Leaving you euphoric and uplifted before fading into a spacey and distant zone. This is accompanied by a sudden burst of creativity and ebbing waves of insane energy. Inspiring you to create, but leave you wholly unfocused due to dreaminess.




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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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