Chocolate OG Marijuana Strain UK



Chocolate OG Marijuana Strain UK

Sometimes mistakenly referred to as Chocolope, is a pure-indica strain (sativa/indica ratio of 0:100). Though presumably OG Kush is in the picture somewhere. This strain might also share lineage with other “chocolate” strains, or its name may simply refer to its dark appearance. Buy Chocolate OG Marijuana Strain UK

Medical Benefits: This makes Chocolate ideal for treating Lack of Appetite and unhealthy weight loss. It’s also effective against Chronic Pain.

When properly cured, Chocolate OG bursts with a sweet, cocoa-laced aroma. A deeper whiff, however, may reveal a pungent, almost cheesy tang. Breaking apart or grinding up these buds releases some hashy, spicy notes, passed on from OG Kush. When Chocolate OG is combusted, meanwhile, it burns with a smooth but sour, mouth-puckering smoke. On the exhale, this smoke leaves traces of earthy, coffee-like flavor.

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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