Buy Tangie Cannabis Strain UK



Buy Tangie Cannabis Strain UK

This cannabis strain is a sativa-dominant hybrid cannabis strain 70 percent Sativa and 30 percent Indica. This strain pays tribute to Tangerine Dream, a popular strain back in the day (1995). It is a cross between a Skunk strain and California Orange. The THC level is 19 to 22 percent and the CBD level is 0.09 percent. Buy Tangie Cannabis Strain UK

Medical Benefits: It’s good for treating several disorders, though specifics are hard to come by; ADD/ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain, Depression, Fatigue, Loss of Appetite, Migraines, Stress.

Tangie is sativa-heavy, and though the exact ratio of sativa to indica is unclear, it’s probably at least 70:30. That means an uplifting cerebral high with enhanced creativity and euphoria, plus a focused boost of happiness.

Heavily influenced by Sativa, Tangie gives recreational users the uplifting effects they are looking for. Cerebral characteristics include euphoria, creativity, focus, and happiness. The THC level is above average making it more suitable for the intermediate or advanced user.

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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