Buy Hog Cannabis Strain UK



Buy Hog Cannabis Strain UK

This is a 100% pure indica strain of unknown parentage due to a high level of breeder secrecy. This bud is internationally recognize as one of the world’s strongest strains. In addition, users are often advise to use cautionary dosage control when using it. Buy Hog Cannabis Strain UK

Medical Benefits: These effects and its insanely powerful THC level of 16-25% on average makes The Hog the perfect bud for treating conditions such as Insomnia, Chronic Pain, Inflammation, Chronic Stress or Anxiety, and mild to moderate cases of Depression.

The high is powerful in nature, with an almost immediate onset of a blissfully euphoric state. Heavy in the head, giving you droopy eyes and a spacey mind. As you get lost helplessly in your own disconnected thought, your body will slowly succumb to a creeping body buzz that weighs you down and leaves you helplessly sedated. This couch-locked state is very sleepy in nature, leaving you incredibly drowsy and most likely ending in deep and uninterrupted sleep.

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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