Asian Fantasy Cannabis Strain



Asian Fantasy Cannabis Strain

This weed strain is a 100% pure sativa strain that is often praised as “The Holy Grail” of cannabis. Having a THC level ranging from 17-24% on average. Buy Asian Fantasy Cannabis Strain

Medical Benefits: Due to these potent effects, it is an ideal strain for treating patients suffering from conditions such as Depression, Anxiety Disorders, and Chronic Stress.

Users have describe the high of this strain as a “Mini Burning Man” experience. In which they are spacey, dreamy, and meditative, lost in their own psychedelic world within their minds. These intense psychoactive effects are accompany by a light tingly warming sensation throughout the body. Leaving you feeling utterly relaxed and at peace in your own world

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1 Ounce, 1/2 Ounce, 1/4 Ounce


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