Sour Diesel Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge UK


10 1g Cartridges each £30 for £300

15 1g Cartridges each £30 for £450

20 1g Cartridges each £30 for £600

30 1g Cartridges each £30 for £900

50 1g Cartridges each £30 for £1500


Sour Diesel Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge for sale

Sour Diesel Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge Strain type: Sativa
Oil Extraction Method: Sub-critical CO2

THC: (THC + THCa): 66.42%
CBD:(CBD + CBDa): 0.17%
CBN: 0.37%

Sour Diesel Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge, sometimes called Sour D, is an invigorating sativa-dominant strain named after its pungent, diesel-like aroma. This fast-acting strain delivers energizing, dreamy cerebral effects that have pushed Sour Diesel to its legendary status. Stress, pain, and depression fade away in long-lasting relief that makes Sour Diesel a top choice among medical patients.


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